- 2022 – 2025 "When Interpersonal Communication Affects Communicators’ Memory: The role of communicators’ own judgments in shared reality with the audience ", research grant in the DFG Research Group "Constructing Scenarios of the Past: A New Framework in Episodic Memory", FOR2812, German Research Foundation EC 317/10-2, € 366.900
- 2022 – 2024 “Pathways to terrorism: Empirical tests of a model of radicalization”, research grant from the Ministry for Innovation, Science and Research of the State of North-Rhine Westphalia in the network "Connecting Research on Extremism (CoRE NRW)", together with Prof. Michaela Pfundmair (Hochschule des Bundes Berlin), € 197.000
- "Threat perceptions, feelings of belonging, acceptace of democratic sovereignty: A new European conflict line with religious implications?", project in the DFG Excellence Cluster "Religion and Politics: Dynamics of Tradition and Innovation", PIs: Mitja Back, Gerald Echterhoff, Olaf Müller, Detlef Pollack, and Bernd Schlipphak (EUR 705.000 € for 48 months)
- "When Virtual Contact Is All You Need: The Effect of Facebook Reminders on Responses to Social Exclusion", supported by a grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG) (grant EC 317/9-1, 2017-2019) including funding for one Research Associate/Wiss. Mitarbeiter (65%) [Status: Principal Investigator; volume approx. Euro 164,000].
- "Shared Representations: A Peek into the Collaborative Memory Toolbox", supported by a grant from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, 2016-2019, volume approx. € 94.000; in collaboration with Margarida Garrido (ISCTE Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Principal Investigator), Leonel Garcia-Marques (ISCTE, IUL), and René Kopietz
- Funding of a research cooperation with Columbia University (New York), 2016-2021, including a PhD student position, by the prestigious Anneliese Maier Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation awarded to Prof. E. Tory Higgins (nominator and host: Gerald Echterhoff) volume: approx. € 102.000 from the total award amount of € 250.000
- Funding for research on the verbal overshadowing effect from the Association for Psychological Science (APS) conducted within the Registered Replication initiative of Perspectives on Psychological Science [Status: Principal Investigator with René Kopietz; volume US $ 1,120].
- Effects of Communication with Experts on the Evaluation of Ambiguous Scientific Evidence: Cognitive Tuning and Social Tuning, supported by a grant from the German Science Foundation (DFG, grant EC 317/7-1, 2013-2015) in the Special Priority Program "Science and the Public" (SPP 1409) including funding for research staff (one research associate/Wiss. Mitarbeiter) [volume approx. € 142,000].
- "Toward a social psychology of intercultural communication: Processes, barriers, interventions" supported by the European Social Cognition Network (ESCON) under the Research Networks Programme in Social Sciences of the European Science Foundation (ESF), fellow principal investigators: Olivier Klein (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Karen Douglas & Robbie Sutton (both University of Kent), February 2010.
- Processes and Effects of Audience Tuning: Shared Reality with Ingroup- and Outgroup Members supported by a grant from the German Science Foundation (DFG), 2008-2011, volume approx. € 82.000; Collaborators: Prof. E. Tory Higgins, Prof. John M. Levine. This research in the news: Shankar Vedantam's column in the Washington Post
- ’It happened as I said’: Effects of Retellings on Eyewitnesses’ Event Memory German-British collaborative research grant under the bilateral agreement between the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), (DFG EC 317/3, 2007-2009), Co-Investigator: Professor Dr. Amina Memon (University of Aberdeen) [volume approx. € 190.000]. Press coverage on this German-British collaboration in the Times Higher Education
- "Grounding Sociality: Neurons, Minds, and Culture" supported by the European Social Cognition Network (ESCON) in the Research Networks Programme in Social Sciences of the European Science Foundation (ESF), co-principal investigator: Prof. Gün R. Semin (University of Utrecht), September 2007.Current report
- Audience-tuning effects on Memory: Memory Processes and Socially Shared Reality supported by a grant from the German Science Foundation (DFG), 2005-2007, volume approx. € 65.000. Research associate: Dipl.-Psych. René Kopietz, Collaborators: Prof. E. Tory Higgins & Prof. John M. Levine
- Communication with Out-Group Members: Audience-Tuning Effects on Memory Representations as an Implicit Measure of Respect and Disrespect, supported by a start-up grant for junior scientists from the University of Bielefeld, 2005-2006 [volume € 5,500]
- Transatlantic Relations from a Social Psychological Perspective: Explicit and Implicit Forms of Intergroup Perceptions of Americans and Germans (Status: Principal Investigator; Co-Investigators: E. Tory Higgins and John M. Levine), supported by a grant from the Foundation for German-American Academic Relations under the Trusteeship of the Association for the Promotion of Science and Research in Germany (grant T260/14063 /2004/kg) [volume € 12,000]
- Decision Processes in Memory: Influences of the Retrieval Context on Source Attribution Strategies, conceptualization, preparation and project supervision together with Principal Investigator Walter Hussy, German Science Foundation (DFG), 2002-2004 [volume approx. € 60,000]