
M. Sc. Anna Giesen

Research and Teaching Fellow
Social Psychology Lab
Department of Psychology

University of Münster (WWU Münster)

Anna Giesen

contact information

Anna Giesen

Street Address:
Department of Psychology
Fliednerstr. 21
D-48149 Münster (Germany)

Telephone: +49 (0)251 83-34382
E-Mail: anna.giesen@wwu.de
Office: Room 2.217d

university education

2013- PhD student in Psychology, University of Münster (WWU Münster), Germany

2011-2013 Research Master's program in Social Psychology (MSc), VU University Amsterdam,The Netherlands, cum laude

2008-2011 Bachelor's program in Psychology (BSc), Maastricht University, The Netherlands

postgraduate positions

2013- Research and Teaching Fellow, University of Münster (WWU Münster), Germany