Gerald Echterhoff interview in Zeit Wissen
October 2014
Interview with Gerald Echterhoff regarding social influence on memory for the cover story "Ihre nächsten zehn Jahre" ("Your next ten years") in ZEIT Wissen, October/November 2014, p. 9. Click to read
Pacific Standard Magazine covers our research
June 2014
The Comforting Presence of the Facebook Icon": the magazine Pacific Standard published an article on the new findings regarding the influence of Facebook on affiliation tendencies after social exclusion (Knausenberger, Hellmann, & Echterhoff, 2014). Click to read
Gerald Echterhoff interview - live on DRadio Wissen (November 11th)
November 2013
"Did I do it?": Radio interview with Gerald Echterhoff on observation-induced false memories of self-performance ("Observation Inflation"), live on DRadio Wissen (German National Public Radion), November 11
Click to listen
Click to listen
Gerald Echterhoff awarded new research grant
July 2013
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has just awarded funding for a project titled "Effects of Communication with Experts on the Evaluation of Ambiguous Scientific Evidence: Cognitive Tuning and Social Tuning" in the Special Priority Program "Science and the Public" (SPP 1409) to Gerald Echterhoff (funding period: 24 months, total volume: approx. EUR 142.000)
Offered Professorship
April 2013
Gerald Echterhoff has declined the offer of a professorship for Social Psychology at the University of Osnabrück.
Interview on social self for magazine article
Mai 2012
Mai 2012: Interview with Gerald Echterhoff on social identity for a feature on the self („Die Ich-Perspektive“) in ZEIT Wissen, May 2012, 60-65.
Gerald Echterhoff joins EJSP's editorial board
August 2012
Gerald Echterhoff has accepted the invitation to serve as Associate Editor for the European Journal of Social Psychology (EJSP), the flagship journal of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP).
Gerald Echterhoff receives "Best Lecture Class" award
July 2012
Gerald Echterhoff has received the award for "Best Lecture Class" from the psychology students at the University of Münster. He is utterly delighted!
invitation to be a referee for the German Research Foundation (DFG)
June 2012
Gerald Echterhoff has been invited to become a referee for the establishment of graduate schools for the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Gerald Echterhoff gives a keynote at the upcoming ESCON conference
6 Mar 2012 12:00
Gerald Echterhoff has been invited to serve as keynote speaker at the main conference ("Transfer of Knowledge") of the European Social Cognition Network (ESCON) in Estoril (Portugal) in September 2012.
radio feature on the creation of shared reality
24 Oct 2011 14:00
The famous science journalist Shankar Vedantam interviews Gerald Echterhoff for the US broadcasting station NPR (National Public Radio) on the creation of shared reality in communication.
associate editor for international journal social psychology
19 Apr 2011 10:00
Gerald Echterhoff has been selected from the list of nominations to serve as Associate Editor for the international journal Social Psychology. The selection involved the members of the journal's editorial board, the Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie (Social Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society), and Hogrefe Publishers. He looks forward to the start of his term in January 2012.
cover story on observation inflation research
21 Mar 2011 10:30
The cover story of the APS Observer, titled "Reflections on Mirror Neurons" and written by Temma Ehrenfeld, features the research on false memories for action performance from observation (Lindner, Echterhoff et al., 2010).
radio feature on revenge
21 Mar 2011 10:30
Jens Hellmann was the guest expert in the studio of radio broadcast "Lebensart" on revenge, WDR 5 on March 8th, 2011.
radio feature on observation inflation
21 Mar 2011 10:30
Radio feature in the program "Forschung Aktuell (Science News)" on Deutschlandfunk about research on false memories for action performance from observing others' actions (Lindner, Echterhoff et al., 2010, Psychological Science), including interviews with Gerald Echterhoff and William Hirst (New School for Social Research, New York).
Listen to it:
Listen to it:
SoDoc 2011
21 Feb 2011 11:50
Gerald Echterhoff will serve as teacher at the SoDoc Workshop 2011, supported by Social Psychology Division (Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie) of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), June 16-19, at LMU Munich. More information:
Research on gender differences in Psychology Today
21 Feb 2011 11:50
Research on gender differences in reactions to a partner's infidelity (Bohner, Echterhoff, Glass, Patrzek, & Lampridis, 2010) has been featured in the February issue of the US-based magazine Psychology Today under the title "Infraction Reactions" (p. 28 of the print issue).
TV interview on plagiarism and academic dishonesty
19 Feb 2011 12:35
Gerald Echterhoff was interviewed on plagiarism and academic dishonesty in the news show "Aktuelle Stunde" on WDR television (February 19, 2011). Link to "Aktuelle Stunde":
TV interview on social and political identity
21 Jan 2011 12:35
Gerald Echterhoff was interviewed in a TV feature (WDR Lokalzeit) regarding the social and political identity of Northrhine-Westfalia (most populated federal state of Germany formed from historically disparate entities).
Grounding Sociality
09 Dec 2010 12:35
The volume "Grounding Sociality: Neurons, Mind, and Culture" (edited by Gün R. Semin and Gerald Echterhoff)
published by Psycholgy Press / Taylor & Franis is out now. You can order the book following:
research on false memories attracts high media interest
15 Sept 2010 10:15
Our first demonstration of false memories of performing an action from mere action observation (Lindner, Echterhoff et al., 2010) has been published in the highest ranked journal for empirical psychology, Psychological Science. In August it was the most widely read article ever published in the journal
The research has been covered in various newspapers and media outlets, including:
The research has been covered in various newspapers and media outlets, including:
The Los Angeles Times,0,5600584.story
The Wall Street Journal
Bloomberg Business Week
Science Daily
and Men's Health.
Special Issue on Shared Reality published
21 June 2010 12:15
A special issue on the topic of socially shared reality,
edited by Gerald Echterhoff, has just been published in the journal Social Cognition
(Impact Factor 2008 = 1.92). Read the introduction to the issue:,

(Impact Factor 2008 = 1.92). Read the introduction to the issue:
Expert Meeting on Intercultural Communication
from a Social-psychological Perspective
26 April 2010 17:40
First European Social Cognition Network Expert Meeting was held from 3rd to 5th February at the University of Kent, Canterbury. The meeting attended by eminent social psychologists specializing
in communication and culture, was very inspiring and successful.
For detailed information please see:

For detailed information please see:
new book on research methods out now
28 Jan 2010 12:52
Forschungsmethoden in Psychologie und Sozialwissenschaften - für Bachelor
by Walter Hussy, Margrit Schreier, & Gerald Echterhoff
Follow the link and have a look into the table of contents!
by Walter Hussy, Margrit Schreier, & Gerald Echterhoff
Follow the link and have a look into the table of contents!